Saturday, July 6, 2013

Markings,syllabus & tips dari super senpai ;)

   Assalamualaikum wbt..

Masa begitu pantas sekali. Sedar tidak sedar round Neurosurgery & Cardiothoracic surgery sudah ingin melabuhkan tirainya..

Namun bagaimanakah dengan "track" dan "long term planning" sahabat az zahrawi dalam study skrg ini? Masih jitu atau  sudah tersasar jauh?.

Jika sudah tersasar marilah kita membaiki apa yg terkurang. Marilah menyusun kembali jejak jejak langkah menuju success ..

Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda yg bermaksud: 
" Sesiapa yg merintis jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, maka Allah mempermudahkan baginya jalan unuk ke syurga."

Janganlah kita sedih jika merasa lemah dan berputus asa. Kerana perasaan itu biasa. Tiada manusia yang kuat setiap masa. People said: hidup ini ibarat roda, kadang2 kita diatas,kadang2 berada dibawah. Ada masa kuat dan ada masa lemah. Tetapi manusia yang bijak ialah manusia yang apabila berada dia berada di bawah, maka akan berusaha untuk segera naik ke atas.

Jadi mari kita menyusun semula matlamat study agar lebih jelas kerana matlamat yg jelas itu sebenarnya menghalang putus asa.

Di sini pihak ajk2 blogger az zahrawi telah menyediakan "wallpaper" markings bagi subjek surgery dan O n G dan satu temuh ramah bersama kakak senior tahun lepas,Nadiah Wahab yang terkenal dgn kecemerlangannya sepanjang pengajiannya  di sini . Semoga perkongsian ini dapat membantu sahabat2.

Jutaan terima kasih buat siti nabilah yg sanggup bersengkang mata siang dan malam  menyediakan iklan markings yg gempak.hehe dan terima kasih tak terhingga juga buat afifah zahari bagi menyediakan soalan2 temu ramah untuk kakak senior. Jazakillah khairon katir .;)

" To succed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you"

JOM baca .. ;)


1. Purata markah keseluruhan untuk 6 tahun medik  dan juga untuk tahun 6 dan berapa score dalam subjek surgery dan O n G ?
Alhamdulillah rezeki Allah,result akak biasa2 je
Purata keseluruhan : 77.37% JJ
Keseluruhan tahun 6 : 84.43% JJ
Surgery : mumtaz
Obs & gynae : JJ

2. Cara hafalan-- adakah ada cara tersendiri? Kalau ya bagaimana? Atau dengar record @ buat nota @study group & berapa kali akak mengulang hafalan setiap hari/sebelum exam?
Akak yakin semua orang ada cara belajar yang tersendiri .dan anda semua sudah buktikan anda berjaya utk 5 tahun yg lepas dgn cara anda.TERUSKAN.jgn tukar cara belajar pd saat2 akhir.apa yang penting sekrang adalah LIPAT GANDAKAN.kalau tahun sudah kita spend 5jam sehari ,tahun ni kita buat 8jam sehari
Kalau akak,akak mmng sgt selesa baca nota sendiri.lebih mudah utk akak hafal.akak mula buat nota awl semester bermula.tapi buat nota banyak menuntut masa.

3. Focus akak pada tucen dan round di University, bagaimana akak manage? Focus betul2 pada tucen @ atau dikelas round/kuliah?
KULIAH & ROUND penting utk kita dpt ape yang diluar buku sbb dr akan ajar berdasarkan experience dieorng buat operation dan handle case yang pelbagai, yang kdg2 kita tak terfikir pun patient boleh present mcmtu.kdg2 mmng takde pun dlm buku/exm tapi kita belajar bukan hanya utk exm.
TUTION pula membantu dr segi nak fhm silibus dan nak tahu trick soalan.sgt sesuai utk revision

4.Apakah strategi dlm study week.Study week adalah masa mengulang atau menghafal? Berapa kali ulangan before exam?
Perkara pertama,bilang ade berapa hari yang tinggal.pastu list semua tajuk yg kena baca.bahagikan tajuk dgn hari.akak mmng buat check list utk tajuk dgn 3column.lepas habis bace tick satu column.
Biasanya Akak bagi faham dulu masa akak buat nota.jadi masa study week akak lebih kepada menghafal.akak cuba buat 3 kali.

5. Bagi surgery, bagaimana nak collect markah dengan banyak. Cara nak score end round, written,clinical, oral?
End round-memandangkan korang dah habes general.kita focus on special.sgt penting utk tahu format soalan.kehadiran round sgt penting utk tahu ape yg akan ditanya.kalau ambil betul2 apa yg dr bgtahu masa round insyaAllah boleh fullmark sbb soalan senang.
tusyen tak sentuh sgt utk exam end round special surgery
Written-focus utk tajuk written sbb mmng berjuta perkara nak hafal.esp tajuk yang HOD listkan.semasa menjawab sgt banyak benda nak ditulis.kena tulis dgn sgt laju.kalau dr tution bgtahu tak perlu details tu mmng tak sempat pon nak tulis.setkan masa utk ssetiap soalan sbb nanti rugi klau tak sempat jwb soalan akhir2.dr segi pembahagian subject ikut paper ,kena tunggu taklimat dr HOD.setiap tahun berbeza.tahun senior boleh pilih soalan tapi tahun kami takde.

Clinical dan oral- apa yang tak perlu baca utk written kena baca utk clinical dan oral.sini petingnya utk study awl.sbb mmng gelabah nak cover dlm gap beberapa hari tu.dari basic anatomy sehingga steps utk surgery.soalan sgt random.jgn down dari station ke next station.ingat setiap station adlh permulaan baru utk kumpul markah.
akak,dr suruh cerita muscle around knees.pengsan

Gambar sgt membantu utk pemahaman dlm!

6.bagaimana dengan O n G, subjeknya agak sukar difahami dan sukar menghafal,
OnG ibarat subject baru yang kita mmng tak pernah jumpe masa preclinical year.key nya-buku teks dan kehadiran masa round.
written exam kdg soalan indirecrt siket.tapi memang jwpnnye ada buku teks shj.cume kita mcm tak sure dia nak jwpn yang mana.
hati2 utk clinical dan oral exam-macam surgery jugak soalan sgt random .kdg2 die tanya ape yang paleng tak penting seakali dan soalan basic di luar OnG
Jumlah markah kurang jika nak dibandingkan dgn surgery jd hilang siket markah mewakili percentage yang bnyk.careful!

7. Nasihat kepada kami supaya terus bersemangat  Inspirasi / kekuatan untuk terus belajar secara konsisten?
perkara pling besar utk sy sendiri ialah MINAT.ini advantage utk mereka yang merasai.
kedua TANGGUNGJAWAB.kalau pun takde rasa minat ingtlah kita tgh melaksanakan tanggungjwab pd banyak pihak.pd amanah allah,diri sendiri ,family, scholarship dll.
Tahun akhir.pd sy,sy cube buat
Goodluck utk semua.semoga dpt jumpe kalian di hospital nanti untuk sama2 buat HO sama.doakan kami sama.

 jom sama sama bersemangat waja!! ;)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

external cephalic version


Tahukah anda "pusingan bayi dari songsang menjadi kepala dibawah”atau dikenali sebagai "external cephalic version" adalah procedure lama yang telah praktikkan oleh bidan kampunng zaman dulu?  Bezanya ianya bukan lagi dilakukan oleh mak bidan tetapi oleh doctor terlatih dibawah pengawasan ultrasound,CTG dan dewan pembedahan.

 ECV ini dilakukan pada usia kandungan 36 hingga 37 minggu kerana awal dari itu bayi akan pusing balik menjadi songsang dan kalau lewat pula, ia sukar dilakukan kerana air ketuban telah pun berkurangan.

Namun apa yang lebih  penting di sini adalah jika berlaku komplikasi semasa ECV yang memerlukan bayi dilahirkan secara caesarean!

Sebab itu ECV mesti dilakukan oleh yang telah terlatih,dihospital yang ada dewan bedah dan pemantauan bayi dengan CTG.

Peratus berjayanya external cephalic version ini mengubah bayi songsang  adalah 50% dan dengan ini ia mampu mengurangkan setengah dari risiko caesarean. Namun kira-kira 3 % akan pusing balik menjadi songsang. Anda juga perlu tahu bahawa tidak semua ibu yang mempunyai kandungan songsang boleh melakukan ECV.

Jadi mari kita BACA sedikit info tentang External Cephalic Version dari buku department O n G ;


Def: a procedure designed to substitute one pole of the fetus by the other. The idea is to make cephalic delivery which is safer for the mother and infant..
Time: best 34-36 weeks

Before 34 weeks: 1.spontaneous version may occur
                              2. Recurrence after correction
                              3. Precipitate premature delivery
                              4. After delivery, difficult technique due to
                                                a)decrease amount of amniotic fluid
                                                b)increase size of uterus
                                                c) uterus more irritable and sensitive 4 manipulation

Prognosis: succeeds in about 75% primigravidas and 95% of multiparas

Aims & Advantages : 1. Decrease of fetal mortality & morbidity
                                    2. Decrease of maternal morbidity
                                    3. Test for cephalopelvic disproportion
                                    4. Decrease of CS rate

1. Patient lies with moderate Trendlerberg's position ( tp dlm video atas x guna pun cara ni)
2. Bladder & rectum empty
3. Vulva uncovered to detect any vaginal bleeding

          one hand grasping the head and the others graps the breech

         1st step : displace the breech into one or other iliac fossa after listen to FHS
         2nd step: push head down towards the pelvis and breech upward towards fundus. this turn fetus                                  transverse lie.
         3rd step: head pushed over pelvic brim & breech pushed up towards fundus
         4rd step: push head down into brim as low as possible by grasp with 2 hand
         Finally   : press upon fundus so as to push whole fetal body as low down as possible.

Failure of external cephalic version:

1. Extension of legs (commonest cause) as leg act as splints. Failure occurs in 50% of cases of breech with extended legs.
2. Obesity
3. Rigid abdominal wall
4. Irritable Uterus
5.Uterine abnormalities as bicornuate
6.Deficient or excessive liquor
7.Short umbilicus cord
8.Oversized fetus

Complications of external version :

1.Partial separation of the placenta leading to accidental haemorrhage
2.Rupture of membranes and premature labor
3.Fetal shock
4.Cord presentation and prolapse or entanglement of the cord around the fetus
5.Fetal mortality rate is about 2%

Contraindications of external version:

1.Antepartum Haemorrhage
2.Hypertension ( the placenta is liable to separation)
3.Marked contracted pelvis (CS will be done)
4. Twins
5.Scars in the uterus
7.Elderly primigravida ( above 35 years)

Sudah faham tentang EVC? semoga penjelasan ini dapat membantu anda.
Bagaimana pula dengan IPV iaitu internal podalic version? Jom sama2 discuss dan research..

Thursday, June 13, 2013

oh my ear !


وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنْشَأَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ ۚ قَلِيلًا مَاتَشْكُرُونَ

"And it is He who produced for you hearing and vision and hearts ; lttle are you grateful."

(surah al- Mu'minun, 23:78)

 وَاللَّهُ أَخْرَجَكُمْ مِنْ بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ ۙ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ

" And Allah has extracted you from wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and hearts [ i.e., intellect ] that perhaps you would be grateful."

( surah an- Nahl, 16:78)

Do you realize wherever the faculties of hearing, sight and understanding [ intellect] are mentioned in the Quran, the faculty of hearing is always listed first?

It is well known fact that human learning is largely dependent upon hearing more than anything else. A child born blind may be seriously handicapped but still can learns and understand things by using his ear. However, a child born deaf has a much harder time and difficulty in learning.The Quran thus emphasizes the importance of hearing over any other faculty.

It is interesting to note that the Quran always uses the singular form of the word hearing (as-sam'), while it uses the plural form for sight ( al- absar). Recent studies have shown that the visual center in the brain, known as the occipital lobe, is in duplicate, while the hearing center is single. SubhanaAllah!

Do you know that that in the fetus, ear are developed as early as the twenty second day of pregnancy and are fully functioning as early as the fourth month?

The fetus can hear the rumbling of his mother's stomach and the sound of her eating and drinking. And of course the fetus also can hear his mother's external environment!

This could also explain why Quran mentions the faculty of hearing before any other. According to the Prophet's teaching, the first thing a child should hear after birth is the adhan (azan), and it should be pronounced in his right ear.

SubhanaAllah, miracles mentioned proof Quran is revealed by Allah, the All-Knowing Creator.

still remember anatomy of ear? Lets revise together! ;)

 Mentaqarrub diri kepada Allah,profesional doktor dalam genggaman!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

apabila sotd berkarya,,,,

Jangan salahkan orang yang mengherdik,
Salahkan diri sendiri yang x celik.
Jangan salahkan media dan berita yang buta, 
Salahkan diri yang membaca dan percaya. 

Oh bangsaku.. aku jelik dengan anjakan paradigmamu yang sepatutnya mendekati sempurna, tetapi pemikiran kau semakin kolot, semakin boros, semakin korup, semakin bodoh, semakin dayus, semakin leka, semakin gila. 

Jangan bangsa lain kau pe
rsetankan jika telunjuk syaitan kau dewakan.

Pembodohan kepada umat-umat tahap agung di kaca tv dan kepada siapa yang mengikutnya sesungguhnya anugerah akal yang Allah turunkan padanya itu telah dibodohkanya dengan diri sendiri, hanya tunjang belakang manusia campuran otak lembu layak untuk mereka.

Mereka (saudaraku di palestin) sedikit pun tidak pernah ingin membebankan dan mengaku kau adalah saudara, jika kau lebih suka dan senang lenang bertelanjang agungkan bintang-bintang korea dan sibuk berpacaran di pavilion dan 1utama.

Kepada yang celik dan peka berbanggalah adalah kerana kamu pelapis negara yang punya iman dan pancaindera maka, insan yang cemerlang. Syabas!

Kepada yang leka, juga berbanggalah kamu dengan tahi yang kau tinjakan sendiri atas falsafah hidupmu sendiri.

-Nukilan mahasiswa leka

Mentaqarrub diri kepada Allah,profesional doktor dalam genggaman

Saturday, November 10, 2012



Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Andro:ttt G, what do u know about LGV,pre testicular infertility,early prenatal S, class. Of STD, inv of impotence

Derma: tye sume.doc stop ble dia rase nk stop.

Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Andro : antidote prolactin, what produce testosterone, length female n male urethra, azoospermia,aspermia, teratozoospermia, clinical features 2ry syphilis, what organism cause lymphogranuloma venereum,stegmata,

Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Oligozoospermia, center of ejaculation ke erection ntah, structure of male reproduction syst., drugs treat erectile dysfunction.

Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Derma : 1ry lesion of scabies, vitiligo, acne vulgaris, ttt scabies, clinical types psoariasis and ttt. Ttt vitiligo, ttt tinea capitis, def urticaria n ttt, auspitz sign

Nabila Ammar andro-gonorrhea in males,inv gonorrhea, chancre vs chancroid, azospermia, oligozoospermia,polyzoospermia, normal sperm count, causes infertility... derma-p. rosea-type; tinea capitis-kerion,dd scaly type,ttt; vitiligo- def ;wart,diff macule papule, example of papule, condyloma accuminata-ttt

Fazlini Mohamad Fauzi andro : posttesticular causes of infertility,physiology of sexual act,classification of std,local comp of gonorrhea in women,gumma of syphilis,genital herpes

derma : definition utk sume macule, papule, nodule, vesicle, bullae, comedone n lain2 byk sgt sume yg ade clinical types pastu ttt.

Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor andro- what is thank you in malaysia, dx and ttt of infertility, class std, lab dx gonnorrhea, chancre character,what is granuloma inguinale,
derma- def macule patch papule nodule vesicle bullae pustule comedo, t.capitis type, favus character, what is t,circinata, character p.rosea, ttt scabies, type ttt psoriasis, what is lichen planus, koebner phenomenon occur in?, pathogenesis and ttt acne vulgaris

sape die nk salin ni......????

Atiya Azizol Andro-diff btwn chancre n chancroid,serological test chancroid n chancre,ttt impotence,indication testicular biopsy...derma-acne vulgaris:pathogenesis&ttt,atopic dermatitis children:lesion&ttt,candidiasis:site&ttt

Diyana Mohd Daud Andro: gonorrhea in man, serology test in syphilis + what is VDRL, stigmata of prenatal syphilis, causes of impotence, c/p of AIDS, ttt reactions

Derma: types pityriasis rosea, types t.capitis + diff diagnosis, def of PUVA + indication, antifungal drugs + dose griseofulvin

Ummu Habibah Muhamad Andro-type of std(classification),causes of infertility n impotence,diagnosis of syphilis

Derma- causative organism of p.versicolor(physiological n pathological)..nature of causative organism of scabies...type of pityriasis rosea

Muhammad Abu Ubaidah special andrology question : 
causes of infertility > ok give testicular causes > what about infection, give example > give 2 organism causing this infection > can it cause syphilis? > ok at what stage?

Pama Balqis andro-1)anatomy of testis,what's inside scrotum, what's behind it,pathological content of vas deferens...2) character of candidal infection 3) character of trichomonas vaginalis discharge..4) semen analysis. derm-1) acne vulgaris(ttt and pathology of comedo) 2) ptyriasis versicolor (dd,ttt) 3) Koebner's phenomenon and its example

Wani Kyoo andro-diff btween chancre n chancroid,drugs for impotence,mechanism of the drugs.
derma-describe leprosy n ttt,ptyriasis rosea,describe atopic dermatitis for children,describe erysipelas

Sophyllea Hana derma: ptyriasis rosea, inverstigation of dermatophye, lichen planus.. andro: treatment of chancroid

Nnf Fariha Andro 1/2H; 1)whats d meaning of u n ur fathers name, 2)differentiate gonococcal n NGU, Cozez of NGU (what type of protozoas do you know, most common parasites in female GUT- Trichomonas Vaginalis n its treatment) 3)All about semen analysis (Normal count+Unit of measurement of leucocytes-HPF High power Field, whats d nutrient needed for sperm motility-fructose + why male cant've polyzoospermia-increase competition to get energy supply) 

Dermato; Type n treatment of psoriasis and leprosy, skin lesion of tuberculous leprosy, ttt scabies

Nurul Nadirah Ramli andro-ttt of shypilis,ttt of granuloma inguinale,what is the center for ejaculation and erection,universal drug to treat impotence and its mechanism,site for epididymis,which gland that secrete prolactin?,what other hormane that secreted by pituitary gland?what are antidote for prolactin?teratozoospermia,azoospermia,oligozoospermia,aspermia?
derma:ttt scabies,form of scabies,ttt taenia capitis,ttt psoriasis and type of psoriasis and form of vitiligo.

Farah Liyana andro-diff btween chacre n chancroid,tt impotence,semen analysis

Farah Liyana derma-type of psoriasis,ttt of psoriasis n scabies,lesion of tb leprosy n ttt

Bintu Zaharuddin andro- 1)gonorrhea: manifest in male,different ( ) GU&NGU,amount of secretion,causes of NGU,mention cultures of gonorrhea, what's diff ( ) the culture media?2) syphilis: mention organism,morphology,is it G+ve/G-ve/ non cultivated?how to see the orgnism?classification of acquired syphilis, c/p of stigmata of prenatal syphilis. 3)AIDS: stages, manifestation of ARC. 4)impotence:def. 5)causes of male fertility. 

derma : 1)warts: how many types,enumerate,what is genital wart+ttt 2)PUVA: indications 3)wood's light used in diagnosis of?what's the color? 4)papule: def,examples 5)ptyriasis rosea: classification,c/p,ttt

Mentaqarrub diri kepada Allah, profesional doktor dalam genggaman



Mas'ain Dah Pencen how to insert catheter & how to deflate and remove catheter

Nurul 'Adilah Shuhardi Dr banyak tanya anatomy: triphasic CT of abdomen (w liver, kidney, aorta, spleen), multiple chamber enlargement (describe n diagnose)

Ikmal Hakim Xray: pneumotorax, lung collapse, carcinoma transverse colon. instrument : all about foley catheter

Sophyllea Hana ~xray: same as sotd but plus disc prolapse ~instrument:blood transfusion set, if patient alergic, how to manage?

Nnf Fariha Instrument; Indications n complications of; spinal needle, canulla, Blood Transfusion Set
Xray; Barium Swallow lower 1/3 esophageal carcinoma (differentiating point benign n malignancy-shouldering and where is the site), CT Hepatic Metastasis, Hydropneumothora

Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor alat: what is this, what is this, what is this (mujur dok tanye byk, Mohd Ashraf Shabadin dok kongsi nota tekpun)
xray: why PA view, malignancy sign, central trachea

Nurul Nadirah Ramli x ray-bilharzial corpulmonale and mechanism of it,cancer sigmoid,mri sagittal section of brain.instrument-choose the easies instrument.what is the difficulities to insert the spinal needle

Nur Aisyah xray - MRI disc prolapse,miliary tb,diverticular disease of colon..soaln type,lesion and describe lesion. Alat - sungestaken blackemore tube and spinal needle..complication..sungestaken msuk dari mane.

Farah Liyana xray-mri liver metatasis n dics prolapse,xray hydropneumothorax n esophages varices instrument-sungestaken blakemore tube-indication,comp,site

Wafi Abd Khalid what is the the first thing i look for to know this chest xray film had been taken correctly or not.... instruments, choose instrument yg kita kehendaki n doktor tanya mudah2 je pasal instrument tersebut,,,,,

Wani Kyoo xray-describe this film (miliary TB,MRI spine,diverticular disease of colon)
instruments-sengstaken tube(describe),blood transfusion set(indication),spinal needle(complication),nelaton catheter(what is this

Nabila Ammar (skali dgn k diyana n bobo) instruments- canula,syringe,scalp,foleys catheter,nelatons catheter,ryles tube(diff foleys with nelaton,complication during insertion,scenario if patient with painful urinary stricture came to hospital-> unable to insert catheters so resolve with??....... xray-mri of lumbosacral region of spinal cord( t1&t2, name of xray,view), pul metastasis ( name of xray,why we prefer PA view than AP view, center or not, diagnosis), cancer of stomach (name of xray,site, diagnosis n describe lesion)

Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Skali ngan nini. Instrument:All about liver biopsy needle.kongsi alatt nie sesame jwb masing2.xray sorg satu: lesser curvature stomoch cancer+further diagnosis and bilharzial cor palmonale + further diagnosis.

Ummu Habibah Muhamad Xray-sama mcm anis ezzah..
Instrument...(skali ngn ihsan)...
sungestaken blackmore:what is the function of gastric baloon n complication..
Urine collection bag:what is the use of this bag other than collection of urine
Foley's catheter:what u should do if u can't introduce this catheter..(jwpn:direct suprapubic)
Spinal needle: what are the difficulties u found to insert this needle:(jwpn:kyphoscoliosis,x ingat)

Illani Riza x-ray= sama dgn ahli gp 1 yg lain ( kak dina, kak anis afikah, kak amani,anis ezzah, ummu, sotd, suhaimi, rashidi) instrument : sama dengan kak anis afikah- liver biopsy needle ( indications + complications and why??

Maryam Abu Bakr X-ray:lebih kurang Nnf Fariha.Dr yg sama ke ape?  ....Instrument:Sungestaken-blakemore tube-who made this?-_- which one tube for stomach&esophagus?what the use of gastric ballon,inflated by?esophageal ballon,inflated by?indication,complications why we give cold fluid(VC)

Mentaqarrub diri kepada Allah, profesional doktor dalam genggaman



Athirah Ghani diagnostic criteria of hypersplenism,lymphocytosis..

Muhammad Abu Ubaidah waah best. interrogated by 2 doctors at once for 10 minutes, dr reham & dr karem (don't remember)
1. how to diagnose DM
blood glucose (explain type, value and so on)
urine gluocse (explain type, value and so on)
2. hyperbilirubinemia
type (hepatocellular, haemolytic, obstructive)
how to differentiate?
bilirubin (indirect, direct, biphasic)
liver enzyme (alkalinie phosphatase, glutamyl transferase, carbamyltransferase > increase or decrease in which type)
albumin level (which type, acute or chronic)
prothrombin level (prolonged) & vit k injection (improved in which type and why?)
3. haemolytic anemia
diagnosis & marker (eg : haptoglobulin, LDH)

Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Generally on platelet.Thrombocytosis thrombocytopenia diagnose acute leukemia  

Nur Ilahi Aie pancytopenia+ investigation of hepatitis.

Farah Liyana normocytic anemia,diff aplastic n hypersplenism,microsytic anemia,diff iron def n thalasemia,bleeding time value n prolonged,pt value n perlonged,dic

Hidayah Ahmad what is type of jaundice, how to diff. what is microcytic hypochromic, how to confirm d of thalassemia.normal bilirubin

Ummu Habibah Muhamad Type of liver function test..type of bilirubin..causes of increase direct bilirubin..causes of hypoalbuminemia..level of tsh t3 n t4 in subclinical hypothyroidism

Adina Wati Mohamad Shukor causes increase of direct n indirect bilirubin,direct n indirect bili solubility,causes of hypercalcemia,regulation of Ca in blood,blood glucose level(fasting,2hrs post prandial,DM),acute n chronic complication of DM

Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor eosinophilia (def, normal value), def anemia, normal iron, m m anemia, thalassemia investigation, all (investigation, diagnostic cell)

Wani Kyoo types of jaundice n describe,causes of thrombocytopenia,lab diagnosis leukemia

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